Interview: Meet Bo Balder, Author of "A House of Her Own" and Other Stories

We are happy to present the following interview with Dutch author Bo Balder, whose short story “A House of Her Own” (published in Escape Pod in 2017, originally published in Fantasy & Science Fiction in September 2015) we recently praised here in EUtopias and Other Futures . Bo lives and works in Utrecht, the Netherlands -- see her own intro here. She talked to us about some of the challenges of publishing in English, fellow European authors to recommend, and the themes in the story mentioned above. ** Join the European Science Fiction group on Facebook for related discussions. ** ◄► Q: As far as I'm aware, you are not only the first but the only Dutch author to have been published in Clarkesworld. I found this surprising, in a way. Which small European country, if not the Netherlands, would have an internationally visible sf scene...? Is this primarily indication of the difficulty of the obstacle course leading to publishing in English? A: That...