Ad Astra's Anthologies (review)

By Péter MARTON ** Join the European Science Fiction group on Facebook for related discussions. ** Having read this Hungarian anthology earlier on, the third in a three-part series of volumes published by Ad Astra, I felt obliged to check out what preceded it -- the "ante-logy" of this "antrilogy" (beg your pardon). I went backwards chronologically, and -- just like the last time -- I will focus here on highlighting those stories that were good or decent enough that they would, in my view, deserve a wider audience. Measured this way, the first of the three volumes was the strongest. If I take into account those stories that almost made it, or had strengths as well as values, the first two volumes were both stronger than the third (which was the one I read first). Overall, I'm glad to have found eleven stories to my liking in the overall antrilogy (5+3+3). It was certainly a good idea from the publisher and editors Sándor Szélesi and Zsolt Kádá...