Dead Mountaineers' Hotel: Moralizing about a Soviet Officer's Duties

Remote hotel resort, check. But this is not in Colorado – and not from The Shining . By Cseperke TIKÁSZ ** Join the European Science Fiction group on Facebook for related discussions. ** When extraterrestrials arrive for an invasion and superheros stand up to save the world, as in more than one such movie that we can remember, police usually get only a faceless supporting role. But not in Dead Mountaineer’s Hotel, a Soviet movie from the 1970s. Here we get to see an ordinary police officer's reaction to an encounter of this kind. In fact, Dead Mountaineer’s Hotel is a Soviet-Estonian movie. The story was written by the famous Strugatsky brothers (Boris and Arkady) and it was played by Estonian actors. The original copy is in Estonian, and it was only later dubbed to Russian by Lenfilm. Briefly, the plot features somewhere in the Alps a resort called Dead Mountaineer’s Hotel where our Inspector Glebsky arrive...