A Contemporary Guide to the Hitchhiker's Guide

The main message. By Péter MARTON ** Join the European Science Fiction group on Facebook for related discussions. ** The idea behind this post is simple. I am re-reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy , the full series, novel(ette) by novel(ette). Again. Not for the first time. As I do this, I will write down a few reflections on what stands out for me now, after so much time since the publication of the story has passed (40 years! OMG!), and after so much time since even Douglas Adams' passing away has passed (since 2001, that is). I read HG2G such a long time ago for the first time myself that... it's seriously a lot of water under the bridge since then... and if I continue like this, it will be a lot of water under the bridge before this paragraph ends. So I'll stop here. The most important quantity is 42, anyways. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979) The very fruitful marriage of absurdism and science-fiction. From the lonely,...