Picture: Tsunami Threat - Huge Iceberg in Inaarsuit, Western Greenland

Inaarsuit, a small village in Western Greenland is facing the threat of a tsunami after a huge iceberg drifted close to it and may split further (see photo above - credit: Reuters). Should a huge chunk of ice crash right into the sea underneath, it may unleash major waves, with considerable destructive power indeed. Around 170 residents have been evacuated already. Not that similar things have not happened before, but there is a "glimpse of the future" element to this in how the same type of contingency may become more common in the future, should the melting of the Greenlandic icesheet accelerate. Inaarsuit is so small and remote, Google Maps doesn't seem to show it (or it may have exceeded our ability to find it there). It does, however, have an internet café, as mentioned here.


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